![Soufyane Hedidi Picture](/static/uxportfolio/img/mypic.63cba0c246b8.jpg)
Who am I?
I'm an Entry-Level UX designer, I just got my 'Google UX Design Professional Certificate' from Coursera. won't you congratulate me? 🤔
I'm 30 years old, from Algeria, and I love user interfaces design. I designed the three projects presented on the main page during the course using the famous designing programs Figma and Adobe XD.
I have a great tendency to design user interfaces (UI) in an attractive and interactive manner, and I am working on improving my skills in this field through continuous learning and research and applying what I acquired.
In addition to the above, I have a little experience in programming, especially developing websites using the Django framework, and of course, interface development techniques: Semantic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (I previously published a book called "JavaScript Under the Hood", which explains some of the advanced JS concepts in Arabic).
Using my experiences in design and programming, I designed and programmed this portfolio myself." 😎.